
Read the blog to see if any of them can help you!

Got a CPE idea? Email it to me at ACPEaDay@gmail.com

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Microsoft Virtual Academy

Unfortunately, The ISC2 site is under maintenance until 4Sept11. But I wanted to let you know about a lot of CPE potential here. I signed into this and browsed the courses, and found quite a number of them that I'll take over time. I may link back to this later, as I take them, or I may just lump them up into my one post a week. We'll see!

I highly suggest checking this out if you want some free training!

Here's the link:

Just remember, when you use webcasts and such to screenshot as you go through it for proof in case you get audited!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

EEye REM® and Retina Administrator Training

Note: You must have a U.S. Government CAC for this training.

Also To note: you could put this under Group A or Group B, depending on your needs.

It took me about 3 hours to do all of this, but I took some time to do it. I would say you can get 2-4 credits out of this.

Here's the link:

Here's what I did:
Domain for CPE Credit: Multiple Domains (Group A) OR Other - General Education (Group B)
CPE Type: Self-Study, CBT
Course Name: EEye REM® and Retina Administrator Training
Number of Hours: 3

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Some books I recommend!

Hello everyone! I added a short list of books I recommend to the right through an amazon link. I'm not the greatest page developer, so it doesn't looks super pretty.

These are all the books you'll need to pass the CISSP, or keep on your shelf for a reference. At least, they're all the ones I used/use! (Except for Eric Conrad's, I took his SANS course right before his book was published)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

SANS Webcast: Innovation in Application Security: Application Risk Management

Here's the link:

Here's what I did:
Domain for CPE Credit: CISSP - Application Security
CPE Type: Self-Study, CBT
Course Name: SANS Webcast: Innovation in Application Security: Application Risk Management
Number of Hours: 1

Thursday, August 4, 2011

TechNet Webcast: Lync Server 2010 Architecture Topologies (Level 200)

One of my friends mentioned setting up a lync server at work, so I thought I'd learn a little more about it. This is a pretty good architecture overview.

Here's the link:

Here's what I did:
Domain for CPE Credit: CISSP - Other - General Education (Group B)
CPE Type: Self-Study, CBT
Course Name: TechNet Webcast: Lync Server 2010 Architecture Topologies (Level 200)
Number of Hours: 1